The Millennials and Jeb
The Millennial Generation (18-34) is tired of the dysfunction and poor leadership in Washington and we have the potential to do something about it. We can serve as a catalyst for the end of the ineffective, hyper-partisan political culture.
Millennial Generation Fast Facts:
• With 75 million Millennials, we are projected to surpass the Baby Boomers this year as the largest population demographic in the country
• We make up 32% of the U.S. voting age public
• Only 50% of Millennials affiliate with either political party
• In the 2014 elections, only 21.5% of Millennials cast a ballot
Despite significant political potential, Millennials remain a relatively untapped, unengaged voter demographic. In order to truly raise the level of civic engagement among Millennials and capture the political platform we can have, we need a visionary leader who will finally bring smart, bipartisan solutions to our problems. We need a true statesman: We need Jeb.